
alto run executes your code on your cloud environment. Note that, in order to use alto run, you must have build the cloud environment using alto apply or alto build.

Usage: alto run [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                   
Run your project using an agent.                                                                                                            
  • alto run -f ./ec2.yml --no-delete-failure                                                                                                
  • alto run -f ./ec2.yml --no-delete-success --whitelist-all                                                                                
╭- Options --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------╮
| *  --file               -f  TEXT                     Alto configuration file.                                                            |
|                                                      [required]                                                                          |
|    --name                   TEXT                     Name of agent within Alto configuration file.                                       |
|    --log-level          -l  [info|warn|error|debug]  Set the log level. [default: info]                                                  |
|    --no-delete-failure                               Preserve the cloud resources after a failed run. [default: False]                   |
|    --no-delete-success                               Preserve the cloud resources after a successful run. [default: False]               |
|    --whitelist-all                                   Whitelist all IP addresses. If False, then only whitelist your current IP address.  |
|                                                      [default: False]                                                                    |
|    --help                                            Show this message and exit.                                                         |


alto run streams the logs produced by your code in your cloud environment onto your local Terminal. As a result, alto run will log (or print) whatever your code does.

$ alto run -f nomad.yml --no-delete-success
<HH:MM:SS> | INFO  | my-new-ec2-agent[run]  | This was logged by my code!